Randomly Deleted Files: Stories and Poems from the Mormon Unconscious

Randomly Deleted Files: Stories and Poems from the Mormon Unconscious Like strangers on a train, you are invited to board this fast-flying vestibule of intrigue, danger, and comic coincidence. Two fiction writers and two poets read from their works-speeding us on a white bullet through patient, poverty-stricken, and opulent India; on into the recesses of the human mind, where the beauty of mature love battles dementia, and where (in another story) something goes wrong in the right frontal lobe; then to Bed, Death, and Beyond-the hope of a heterodox heaven and a Mormon faux hell-finally flashing us back to Easter morning, where four women witness the stone rolled away.

Verable (Belle) Cluff, Phyllis Barber, Terri Holland, Paul Senson