Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years among the Mormons, by Jan Shipps

Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years among the Mormons, by Jan Shipps For some time, Jan Shipps has been the preeminent non-Mormon interpreter of Mormonism. Her book, Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years among the Mormons, is a compilation of her writings for the past thirty years, much of it a personal, intellectual biography that details her encounters with and observations of the Latter-day Saints. In it, Shipps discusses her methods for researching and writing about the Mormons, the evolution of media images of the Saints, how she became in some ways a virtual extension of the Church’s public communications division, Brigham Young’s continuing influence in today’s Mormonism, the challenges of Church growth, whether Mormons are ‘Christian,” and much more. Come celebrate this work, and enjoy the exchanges between Jan and several careful readers of this new book.

Stacy Burton, Rebecca Chandler, Philip L. Barlow, Dennis Lythgoe, Jan Shipps