Trailing Clouds of Glory and Lifting the Veil: A Pre-mortal/Past-life Primer

Trailing Clouds of Glory and Lifting the Veil: A Pre-mortal/Past-life Primer The LDS church is one of the few Christian religions that teaches the doctrine of premortal learning experiences (D&C 138:56). Anecdotal evidence for pre-birth learning experiences is increasing in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. Remarkably, many of these learning experiences are reported to occur in connection with actual events and lives previously lived on this earth. Even the American Psychological Association has acknowledged the existence of ‘past-life memory.” How does this phenomena present itself, how prevalent it is, and what are some theories for its existence? Can multiple earth experiences be reconciled with LDS doctrine? How are we benefited by considering our own pre-birth learning experiences?

Lisa Tensmeyer Hansen, Dan Wotherspoon